
Psycho-Cybernetics: Updated and Expanded

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Reviews of Maxwell Maltz’’s original Psycho-Cybernetics:

“Psycho-Cybernetics is a classic personal development book. Most of the current speakers in the area of personal development, including Zig Ziglar, Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy and others owe a debt to Maxwell Maltz for the foundation of their material. The psychological training of Olympic athletes is also based on the concepts in Psycho-Cybernetics. Thousands, possibly millions, of people have benefited by putting these ideas to work. Put Psycho-Cybernetics on your ‘”must-read’” list.”
–Michael C. Gray, Profit Advisors
“Published in 1960, Psycho-Cybernetics remains one the classics of self-help, self-improvement, and personal development.”
–Mind of Success
“An invaluable aid to the layman, offering a sound, scientific method of practical self-improvement.”
–Mark Freeman, Ph.D., clinical psychologist
“This classic by Maxwell Maltz is considered by many experts in the field to be the grandfather of all self-help books. Although it was written in 1960, Psycho-Cybernetics is just as relevant more than 50 years later. His timeless tenets offer a road map for self-image improvement and better quality of life.”
“Maxwell Maltz, author of Psycho-Cybernetics, was an early exponent of the visualization principle. Almost half a century ago, he captures a truth that can literally transform the way we think, act, and communicate.”
–Bert Decker, You’ve Got to Be Believed to Be Heard
Psycho-Cybernetics has sold in its millions because it provides a scientific rationale for dream fulfillment. The science and computing references are now outdated, but the principles of cybernetics have only grown in influence. Complexity theory, artificial intelligence, and cognitive science all grew out if the cybernetic understanding of how the non-physical, the ‘“ghost in the machine,’” guides matter. This makes Psycho-Cybernetics the perfect self-help book for a technical culture.”
–Tom Butler-Bowdon, 50 Self-Help Classics
Psycho-Cybernetics was written back in 1960, but it was way ahead of its time. Maxwell Maltz was a successful plastic surgeon in the States, and he was puzzled by the attitudes of some of his patients whose plastic surgery was successful, but they still felt ugly inside. This book explores the psychology of self-image, and its profound effects on all our lives. But Maxwell Maltz goes further, and sets out an action plan to change your self-image from a disempowering one to an empowering one. Ever wondered how some people seem effortlessly successful, wealthy, fit and healthy, while others struggle and seem to get nowhere? The answers lie in the concepts set out in this book: the self-image, the subconscious mind, the power of visualization, relaxed concentration, goal-setting.”

About the Author

Dr. Maxwell Maltz received his doctorate in medicine from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University in 1923. After postgraduate work in plastic surgery in Europe, Maltz was appointed to head several departments of reparative surgery in New York hospitals over his long and distinguished career. He was a prominent international lecturer and on the psychological aspects of plastic surgery. He published two books on the subject, New Faces, New Futures and Dr. Pygmalion.

In the 1950s, Maltz became increasingly fascinated by the number of patients who came to him requesting surgery, who had greatly exaggerated “mental pictures” of their physical deformities, and whose unhappiness and insecurities remained unchanged even after he gave them the new faces they desired. In 1960, after nearly a decade of counseling hundreds of such patients, extensive research, and testing his evolving theory of “success conditioning” on athletes, salespeople, and others, he published his findings—then radical ideas—in the first edition of Psycho-Cybernetics, which went on to sell millions of copies and to be translated in dozens of languages.

Matt Furey, president of the Psycho-Cybernetics Foundation, a national and world title-holder in wrestling and martial arts, a bestselling fitness author as well as successful internet entrepreneur, has committed himself to preserving and extending the legacy of Maltz’s work. Furey headlines sold-out seminars and coaches hundreds of men and women in his highly successful MasterMind/Joint Venture Connection, as well as the Psycho-Cybernetics Coaching Program.
Learn more about Dr. Maltz’s work and Matt Furey at www.psycho-cybernetics.com.

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